King of Smoke & Vape is a Smoke Shop in Bakersfield, CA 93309

King of Smoke & Vape is a locally owned and operated smoke shop in Bakersfield, CA, that specializes in premium vape and tobacco products and accessories. We have 16 years of experience in this business, and we offer superior customer service and significantly lower prices than other stores in the area. We have everything you could need under one roof, and our reliable staff is always available to help you find the perfect product.

King of Smoke & Vape carries the following:

Whether your tastes lie in vapes or tobacco products, we are sure to have something that's just right for you; and with such a huge selection, you're also bound to find something new. We carry products that can give you the desired effect, and they are available in a variety of flavors and strengths. To come to see all that we have to offer, visit King of Smoke & Vape today!

What Makes Us Proud
  • 16 Years of Experience
  • Cheapest Prices in Town
  • Locally Owned and Operated
Locations Served
  • Bakersfield, CA
  • Surrounding Areas